Originally Posted by dilbert
Yikes, 300,000 queries! 
It's 300,000 table rows.
I can't get it installed, so I have no idea if I can uninstall it.
I believe there are only a few new tables created, so they would be simple enough to delete.
I am hoping in the next version, there is a way for us folks on shared servers with set timeouts, to upload the files.
I'm on a shared server and the problem with my host and all the other shared hosts I've checked out is that the database user is limited to 50,000 questions per hour.
After 50,000 records are imported the database user is locked out for up to one hour.
I am able to get around that limitation on things like re-indexing my search tables because I have 50 database users defined. In includes/config.php I have this:
$randomNum = rand(0,49);
if($randomNum == 0){$dbuser = 'db_user0';
if($randomNum == 1){$dbuser = 'db_user1';
if($randomNum == 2){$dbuser = 'db_user2';
if($randomNum == 3){$dbuser = 'db_user3';
//you get the point
$config['MasterServer']['username'] = $dbuser;
$config['MasterServer']['password'] = 'all_db_users_have_same_password';
Fifty users is mondo-overkill but since my randomizer is a bit on the crude side it is cheap insurance.
If the botloader could be made to import records 1,000 or even 10,000 at a time in conjunction with the multiple db user mod mentioned above, many shared host problems might go away.