Originally Posted by -=Sniper=-
steadicamop; try disabling the auto edit and do it manually.
NeutralizeR; does it work with the full path then?
Yes, i've solved the vBadvanced CMPS problem...
Add vbmoods to Portal Output Global Variables list.
If you use vBadvanced and the index of it is not located in the same directory with your forum e.g.
http://www.msxlabs.org/index.php (my vbadvanced page),
http://www.msxlabs.org/forum/ (my forums), you have to edit these template and the plugins:
quick_mood_change_by_sniper template:
Add the bold text:
Plugin Manager > [Mood Manager] - Ajax Update:
Plugin Manager > [Mood Manager] - Make Drop Down Menu:
ajax_mood.send(\'../forum/ajax.php\', \'do=insertmood&mood=\' + PHP.urlencode(mood));
Thanks for the hack