For many years, vBulletin has remained the market leader among the BBS. However since the times of vBulletin2 when vB was recognized for its innovation , and member base in creating thousands of hacks, I feel that the vB mod scene has deteriorated.
Not that there is anything wrong with selling one's work, but I believe there has been decrease in the amount of quality hacks due to the some highly skilled and experienced coders stepping into a commercialized system.
To encourage more free hacks and support people who make them, I would like to suggest that perhaps Jelsoft invest a miniscule percentage of their profits to hold bi-monthly contests to challenge experienced coders and encourage the creation of quality hacks. I believe this would renew the vB community and bring it closer together.
Additionally, recently I've been tracking a number of hacks and have arrived at a suggestion to implement a bug-tracker system for each hack, rather than having users reply, nag with their problems.
This bug-tracker system could be similar to the one at for bugs related to major releases except be for each thread. This way, authors of hacks will not have to deal with uncooperative, ungrateful individuals and would be more compelled to further continue their work for the community.
Additionally, I think a feature similar to the '[AJAX] Post Thank You Hack' should be implemented if a bug-tracker system is put into place. This would allow people to give their thanks to the author and filter out problems with the praises increasing the effectiveness of the entire system.
Thanks for Reading my Suggestions, and though my Join Date is relatively new, I've been an on and off customer of vB and have seen the high tides which is why I've become a customer again hoping to be apart of the affluent community it is.