It was just a couple revisions of code in the local_links_include.php, I can just post my changes here.
This is for v2.2.1 (I haven't looked at your new version):
Line 103: defined $user_mac on line after $user_windows:
$user_windows = iif(strstr($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],"Windows"), 1, 0);
$user_mac = iif(strstr($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],"Macintosh"), 1, 0);
Line 2199: added $user_mac to global vars after $user_windows:
global $linkscat, $schemes, $modes, $icon_cache, $user_windows, $user_mac;
Line 2330: added $user_mac to if statement parameters:
$is_musicbox = iif(($user_mac or $user_windows) and get_mimetype($urlType) and in_array($urlType, $musicboxtypes), 1, 0);
ISSUES- mp3's don't seem to stream in very well. My solution is to write a flash player to play mp3's. I'll have a look at your Wimpy code in the new version if I can't get it straight; basically I'm going to try to grab the $type in the play section of local_links.php, compare to mp3, and then have it load flash player, so no matter what OS or browser, it gets flash for music.
- Can't test for Linux, sorry
- Not sure if it's supposed to show the Quicktime Plugin like it says in the documentation. However, when user clicks the song title as the link, it pops open the jukebox, so I'm not worried about it.