Originally Posted by phenomenon
I would LOVE to help, as I have both a mac and a windows box sitting here, anxiously awaiting.
As I wrote, I was looking through the code trying to find where the browser/OS testing was done, but couldn't find it. After I get through some client work today, I'll run a global search; I'm assuming you're doing a javascript check? If you can remember what file the OS test is in, would you let me know? I can find it from there.
Stage 1:
The OS test is done in includes/local_links_install.php. With v2.2.1 (which is what I think you're using), there's a test against $_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT] at line 103, which sets the global $user_windows.
Stage 2:
Subsequently, also in local_links_include, in function get_linklistbit (which actually builds the individual entry bits), you'll find the line:
$is_musicbox = iif($user_windows and get_mimetype($urlType) and in_array($urlType, $musicboxtypes), 1, 0);
If is_musicbox is set to 1 and various other conditions are met, then the entry url is set to point to LDM/action=play; otherwise to LDM/action=jump
Stage 3 - the actual playing. This is the key bit.
The links_play template contains a series of nested <object> <embed> sequences that are set up for the various players (Windows Media Player, Real Player, QuickTime, DivX, etc) that LDM can handle. The various variables that it tests against are set in local_links.php, in the action="play" section, towards the bottom.
You'll need to work out the correct sequence for the Mac. Presumably WMP is a no go? But perhaps Real player is fine.
Let me know how it goes.