orphan: The plugins are in a folder in the zip file, they need to be each be imported if you want to use them. They are not necessary so they are optional install. I got the foreach() error today while moving servers around. I can fix this for future users.
maf1973: This is sort of a known bug. Because I can't create profile field by plugin, I have to do it by php and then store the fieldid for use during uninstall. On some systems it doesn't seem to store the fieldid so the uninstall misses it. I will see if I can improve upon this.
jluerken: My who's online is completely different than ts2live and written entirely by me, so yeah they aren't going to display the same. I guess I didn't expect people to put style information into a phrase, style should be handled by styles, I didn't see any reason to recreate a phrase that already exists. I also do not show (R) because everyone should be registered, there shouldn't be any unregistered people on the TS with this system. vBTeamSpeak also assumes that every single registered user has signed up with this form because it requires a specific loginname format to perform some of the functions, you should be starting with a blank userbase in order for vBTS to work properly.