Originally Posted by Zachariah
There was a small team of 5 PC's in Texas that did a DOSS attack my site for 2 1/2 months. (members of my site)
I jumped on a plane, flew to their house and beat on their door with a bat looking for justice.
Be glad trackpads uses the law and protocol.
[high]* Zachariah goes back to php[/high]
im over the age of 16 and you dont serious expect me to believe that do ya ?
And if you did do it then lets say u was stupid.Events could of turned the other way and you could have been the one suffering the beating and in a strange place away from people you know.
Then again aint hard to batter school kids is it as they the ones who mainly do these Dos Attacks
Lighten up Zachariah im joking :L