Originally Posted by DementedMindz
Half of them military images you can google for.. Nothing was ever said about text. But to take it that far and post stuff on there forums then I would have never taken it down just for being pure ignorant.
No its not, especially if they will not return a contact message.
As for them being military images you can google good luck. The stripes in the ribbons are about the closest to military ribbons you will get.
Why are in this? Are you ripping folks off too and trying to rationalize it? I notice you dont have your site listed in your profile...
Originally Posted by MPDev
What I'm not clear on is the hotlinking issue; how can you not know you are using someone elses artwork if you are linking to them off your server?
Good point. On most of them (except mholtums) they even used the order and titles and even description text. Its obvious that they followed the example links and copied freely.