Originally Posted by mholtum
I am looking to see if I still have the records as to who it was. Like I said in my email to you if I still have it, I will of course forward all corespondance to you.
Thanks, again I appreciate your honesty.
Originally Posted by cleck673
I am Chris Leckness, Owner of Aximsite and Mobility Site. These images are being used on these sites as well.
This morning I received an email from Jason Edwards claiming I had his images working on my site. I have no reason to doubt the claim. I shot off an email to one of my helper that implemented this and have not heard back. I got a second email this afternoon saying that he has tried two times to contact me and no reply. I replied and stated that I was waiting on confirmation from my guy. I then found that he posted a thead on my site calling attention to this matter. I have to agree with mholtum, that was uncalled for. In a matter like this, give time. Not all webmasters/site owners can reply within 12 hours.
The images will be removed shortly since it is apparent that most of those images are his work. I don't even use this hack on Mobility Site anymore, but I think they are using it at Aximsite still. With that said, here is a call out for someone. Do you want to make $150? Contact me via mobilitysite.com contact for (not PMs here please) and let me know if you want to make replacement images for this hack for $150.
If anyone wants to discuss this with me in the future, send me an email or private message where these type matters belong. (until it becomes apparent that private discussion is not going to work)
Like I said in the email. It takes a second to reply with 'looking into in' like a few other sites did. I sure got a fast response once I posted that topic eh? What, am I supposed to assume you got the message and are looking into it? Some kind of esp maybe?
Originally Posted by DementedMindz
LOL over images? Its not like its a prize piece If I had a lawyer call me or try to threaten me over images I would laugh. This is crazy to even care about rank images. Yeah I could see getting mad about hotlinking but not award or rank images.
Once you spend a few years building a brand you let me know how just a 'few' images and text mean something.