I have a question to. Is it not possible to make some settings in the existing usergroups one way or the other.
I have some users now which I would like to upload and which may avoid purgatory, but I have also users which I want to upload but which may not avoid purgatory.
At this moment to get this working 2 usergroups are needed for this, with all the settings needed for all forums and forumpermissions which is a lot of work.
Could it be made (maybe next version?) so you can set in each individual useraccount that they may upload yes or no? And if yes, that they will come into a queu and with a seperate usergroup they can avoid purgatory?
Or maybe could it be made that both the upload and avoid purgatory setting could be implanted in the individual user settings? This would make things a lot easyer. In fact you would only have to use seperate usergroups when wanting something like Snyperj would like.