Originally Posted by Metal-R-US
I found the solution too, edit cpms_index.php (or whatever you renamed it to):
add below:
Correct It will work but:
I myself have images and comments on many php pages in different places in the vBulletin forums. I must edit 10 - 30 or so php pages every time I want to update my forums

. Make 1 file edit to forums/includes/init.php and no other php file edits are needed on any vBulletin powered page. When an upgrade is needed on the forums I now need to only make 1 file edit on the init.php file for all the hacks to work again.
- This will add all the needed file edits for gallery add-ons.
- This will work on ALL VB powered pages
- This will work on vBAdvanced CMPS pages
- This will work on vPortal pages and Blocks
- This only needs to be done once