Mine is:
bots 0 1.0 KB 0
bot 916 Bytes 4.0 KB 0
conversationlog 98.7 KB 10.0 KB 0
dstore 82.0 KB 24.0 KB 41.1 KB
gmcache 0 1.0 KB 0
gossip 320 Bytes 3.0 KB 0
patterns 5.93 MB 7.90 MB 0
templates 2.71 MB 699.0 KB 0
thatindex 6.8 KB 5.0 KB 4.1 KB
thatstack 39.6 KB 8.0 KB 21.6 KB
Most are different to yours, what it means i dont know, but i do know my bot does not sound right at alll....
"What is giant sand? Also? Thanks for the information: said . "
"That was not a yes/no question. I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". is ? is?"
You are quite welcome! Are you really a ""?
Still doubling something as well
"Hello there. Hello there"
I have mentioned this before but no resolution or reason...
Do i have to edit the aiml to sort it?