Hi Gio! Welcome back!
You did the comment hack, but you still have the events mod to do (this 'alternate work' you speak of). You agreed on doing both. A while back you e-mailed me saying you were going to finish the events mod on Sunday night a week or so ago. Were you able to finish it? All I need is that completed and we're good to go
Please check your e-mail and we'll communicate via e-mail. Thanks.
I am not the type of person to file chargebacks or disputes. As Gio said, he hasn't done anything wrong up until this little issue of him being away, so as long as he keeps up his side of the bargain and completes the 'alternative' work he's talking about... which is the event mod, then we both go away happy, no hard feelings at all. I would just like it completed!

...and as I said before numerous times. I already finalized with Gio about the fact on the refund issue with him. I am not asking for a refund from him, that is out of the question, so stop bringing it up please. He has been paid, and he just needs to do some finishing up on my project, thats all I want.
Thanks to everyone for your help and advice.