Originally Posted by Mark.B
Got to say, on this matter alone he has done nothing wrong. You paid him and then changed your mind, that's your problem, not his.
Sorry to sound harsh but that's the way it is.
Most coders will operate a no-refunds policy in these circumstances. In a few days he may have already begun the work.
I'm not excusing the fact that I asked for a refund after the project just started. I am only bringing up that point because bchertov meantioned getting a refund after the project was agreed upon. Thats all. The point is that I stuck with Gio despite all the alternatives I could have taken, I gave him full details on what he had to do, even made up prototype diagrams of how it should look and operate.
I'm not angry about not getting a refund, I am angry about him not finishing my project. Plain and simple.