Ill try to explain it better.
At my website I have a vbulletin forum. Members can log in from there. But they visit the website itself a lot. So on the mainpage I would like to have the option that members of the forum be able to log in from the mainpage the
Now I got it to work that people who are a member of the forum can log in on the mainpage but only one problem there that I don't know how to fix. So the problem is this :
When a member visits the mainpage, he wants to log in to the forums. He logs in ( you get the vbulletin message that you are logged in) but you stay at the mainpage. So you log in on the, the logging in part works, but it doesn't bring you to the You just stay at the
What I want :
mainpage (index.html) > log in > leads to forum
What the problem is :
mainpage (index.html) > log in > mainpage (index.html)