Hi Logician, don't know if you will spot this message in such an old thread, but somehow I can't get a webquery to parse the pagetext (post) without any bbcodes.
I have setup a Discography webtemplate with comments inside, you can see here:
On the right hand side bottom, you can see some comments that shows the bbcode. Example: ([quote]Originally posted by DicxdPlay on 11-09-06 at 16:17 [b])
This is my webquery:
SELECT username, IF(LENGTH(pagetext) > 130, CONCAT(LEFT(pagetext, 127), "..."), pagetext) AS pagetext
FROM post
WHERE threadid = 51953
ORDER BY dateline
DESC limit 7
And the Queryresult row:
<div align="left" class="cmbx"><div class="cmbxd"><b> $WQfield[username]</b></div><div class="cmbxt">$WQfield[pagetext]</div></div>
I have tried adding to the field
BB Code Parsed Field Names various settings. Like 'pagetext', 'bbcodeparse2', 'bbcodeparse', 'message'. Etc. But it keeps showing the bbcode. Any idea why this won't work for me? Do I maybe need to add a phpinclude to make this work perhaps?