Hm ... works almost fine now. But there's another funny problem ... and it's hard to explain. Hubert (the Name of the bot) doubles his posts. Example:
me: Hallo
he: (something)
me: Hallo again
me: Hallo
he: (something)
he: (same something)
me: Hallo again
he: (something new)
Update: It only happens (the doubling of posts), if the same user talks again to Hubert. If another user talks to Hubert it works fine. But if the same user "answers" to Hubert, he will double his "pre-post".
Another strange thing: If Hubert answers, of course he is at least for a moment the last poster in the thread. On the searchresult-page (getnew/getdaily) it shows up correct Hubert as the last poster. But on the frontside-overview it shows the last human poster.
In fact i like it much more this way ... with the last human poster shown on frontside. But it looks a little bit inconsistant.
But this is a small problem. The double-post-problem hurts more.