I am posting this on behalf of
several hundred customers of Gio-Logist who had decided to offer up a premium version of his classifieds script and other scripts but has disapeared for months at a time leaving members unable to download products they paid for and with no support for critical issues that have left members unable to use the products that they purchased.
The terms of the copyright are such that we are not supposed to talk with other people or post code for this script elsewhere but Gio~Logist is not assisting with the resolution of issues...
So, would it be wrong if a number of the customers were to pool our resources and hire more responsible developer to improve the script? On an individual basis it would be too expensive for one site to hire a programer but with a hundred or more people $10/ea we could come up with enough money to make it worth a developer's time to resolve these issues and fix a number of the faulty logic and poor design aspects of the script that we have already paid for....
This is an ethical issue I guess but I need this script and I have personally invested way too much of my own time writing code and assisting in the developent of a script that the developer seems to have little interest in supporting!
What should we do?