I just had an email from one of my members who was very angry about losing posts. I have a timeout of 900 seconds on my forum, which I refuse to change. But if someone spends 25 minutes writing a long post, they will lose it when they press 'submit'.
A countdown timer would be great, but I can't find in the documentation how to add something like this. I have no idea how to build a plugin, but what I thought is that it could be:
"You have x minutes x seconds remainging to complete your message"
counting down underneath the post box (above the submit button).
When it hits zero it would change to a message that says:
"Your session has expired, please copy your message elsewhere before continuing or else you will lose what you have written".
It could possibly add a javascript 'confirm' to the Submit button explaining that you will probably lose your post.
Ideally it would popup a small login form in a 400x400 window, so you just have to re-enter your password and then it will let you post.
If only I knew how to write plugins, but I really don't have the time to learn and then write this, so I guess we're going to have to put up with user complaints