I think you have a good point about the button sets, your right. I've looked at skins and thought nice skin, shame about certain images it uses. So your point is a good one. Like you say - some people have the view only they see the admincp skin, so what does it matter. But when your using a skin all the time like a dark skin, then you go to the admin panel and get blinded with a light blue skin that simply class together. Thats why some might want it matching none the less. I think it is a small market, but still a niece worth exploting.
I think most skinners just don't want the hassle of creating a skin and then having to work on an admin skin as well (which they feel they won't really sell many off. And most people don't complain because there not used to buying vB Skins with matching admin panels.
But then who says you have to charge only £10 for the admin cp skin, they could both be sold as stand alone products together for the same price. And once a person owns the forum skin, there going to be tempted somwhere down the line to buy the admin one as well.