Originally Posted by Black Tiger
Can anybody help me please with my 4 points/questions/bugs(?) which I posted on #349 and #350?
5.) I also edited the files, but download count isn't showing up in users postbit.
6.) My supermods with upload rights get the files "unnapproved" and I as admin have to approve them. Is it not possible that supermods get also automatical approval of files?
I answered them already yesterday (see
5.) It should work fine normally. Be sure you enabled the setting:
AdminCP -> Downloads -> Settings -> Show Download Stats -> Yes
And ofcourse check the template edit in the postbit (or post_legacy template when you use that one (and I see you use it, so be sure you edited it and not the postbit template)).
6.) Then they have wrong permissions for their usergroup:
AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager -> Super Moderators -> Edit Usergroup -> ecDownloads Permissions -> Can Avoid Purgatory -> Yes
Eigenlijk stom dat ik dat allemaal in het Engels schrijf
Originally Posted by GH84
First off all I want to thank the authors for this great work.
One point I would modify if possible is the rating system. Perhaps it could be changed to the vB-Standart one in the next version. Cause this "A-F-System" isn?t well know in all countrys.
First of all thanks for the nice feedback

I think we really need to make a list of what we ware planning to change in the next big release, lol. In version 6 the rating feature will be changed to a vBulletin like system with stars.
Originally Posted by Goodspeed
Is it possible to automatically create a thread in approtiate forum for discuss about a file instead of commenting it using build it system?
No, this isn't possible at the moment. At the moment we aren't planning such a feature, but I was thinking about including some hooks in the code so we (and/or other people) can easily create some add-ons. Creating a hook location after the "file add" code would be something obvious then, so creating an add-on to do this would be very easy then.