The new vBStatistic Basic Edition for vB 3.5.x and 3.6.x is now available @ as English and German version.
Complexity of Basic Edition (Professional version with more features and statistics will follow):
vBStatistic Basic Edition contains 22 different modules in 5 different categories.
The following modules are covered:
Category: Forum information (summary)
* Forum information (summary)
* Forum contents (summary)
* User (common information)
* Installed and active products (extensions)
* Forum statistics (multimodule)
Category: The last 'X' statistics
* The last announcements
* The last 'sticky' marked threads
* The last threads
* The last postings
* The last polls
* The last registrations
* The last attachments
Category: The most 'X' statistics
* Threads with most replies
* Most read threads
* Polls with most participants
* Most rated threads
Category: User statistics (reg. users)
* User(s) with most postings
* Next birthdays in this year
Category: Attachment statistics
* Best liked attachments (downloads)
* Largest attachments
* Attachments with highest traffic
* The last attachments (images)
vBstatistic Basic Edition has own usergroup rights and multitude settings in ACP.
You're all welcome to meet us @