I have installed this hack on 3.5.1 with on problems. Everything is running smoothly

However, I am hoping I didn't misunderstand the purpose of this hack when I installed it. I understand that users can earn points for certain activity as well as spend it for other activities. That part I get.
What I was hoping to use this for was something a little different, and probably someone else is already doing this (I hope so anyway LOL). As the owner of a family/parenting content site I receive a boatload of free books, DVDs, toys, gadgets, etc. I used to give them away in contests, but anyone who runs contests knows this also attracts users JUST for your contests. I wanted something I could use to reward my loyal visitors and board members with. This looked perfect. So my questions are these:
1) If I create a new category (for example, Book Store or Toy Store), can I add tangible items such as DVDs, books, toys, etc as items for sale that can be purchased with points? I have already done so, but when I click on the item I get this: "The vbPlaza option you are trying to purchase has an invalid Set Name."
2) Is there a way to allow people to redeem points based on scavenger hunts or point words? For example, if I state in the newsletter that this week's point word is BUNGEE and it's worth 300 points, is there a way to do this where people can punch in the word and redeem those points?
I really appreciate any help on this. It looks like this could really work for me. I know this is a really, really long thread, so I sure hope I won't be asking anyone to repeat history.
Thank you so much in advance!