Originally Posted by lanc3lot
Yes, i mean in the flash player u will make, when i song is selected, to have a download link for the actual mp3, but for a specific usergroup. So they can download the mp3 if they want it  . Also, maybe display the size of the file somehow? So ppl in slow connections, know what they will encounter?
Anyway, suggestions 
It could be incorporated, but then there is the matter of copyright infringement. I maybe wrong on this (so don't quote me), but I am under the impression that it's legal to listen to mp3's on the internet, but not to download them, unless you have an original copy. But to me this contradicts itself, because any form of streaming whether it be mp3's or video, can be accessed via your browsers cache anyway.:surprised:
This law does vary considerably from country to country. This is why certain P2P websites carrying torrents, can get away with it.
The actual idea of this modification was just to allow mp3's to be streamed through the player, not actually download them as well. I don't think I've ever seen a mp3 player with download capabilities.