I've been messing about with the RADIO template in an attempt to add graphical buttons for the controls and volume.
I have had some success, and thought I would share with those of you who haven't managed this yet. This is my first attempt at something like this, so please don't be too upset if it doesn't work lol
I am running this on 3.5.4. I can't vouch for any other version sorry.
Destructions:- Make a backup of your RADIO template
- Replace your RADIO template content with the contents of the RADIO.txt file
- Copy the images to your /forum/images/vBRadio folder
Thats it!
Now, I am
really crap @ graphics, so don't get too excited about them

If anybody takes the time to create some better ones (and that won't be hard to do!), please feel free to share them with us.