Very cool mod, but a few comments:
* Fix the 'on' before dates Today and Yesturday, for example: "on Today 03:07 PM" -- that just doesn't sound right.
* Somehow add a drop-down quick reply or something along this nature to reply to the post.
EDIT: Also, you should make it so the image directory goes to the image directory of the current template, and not the /images/ directory in the root vBulletin install.
EDIT #2: For thoes who want to do this manually, replace all occurances of: images/misc WITH $stylevar[imgdir_misc] in vaispy.php
EDIT #3: There are also images in the va_spy.js that show up AFTER you pause it, and it won't work to replace thoes... I dunno, I don't have time to investigate right now.