Originally Posted by wizardan
Great hack, syrus.
We run a music and musicians related site, and they ate this thing up as soon as I uploaded the first playlist I made
How could I make it possible to have two or three different playlists to choose from? I imagine that would require changes to the master flash file, eh? And some coding change to the javascript to have the player call different playlists?
I'm not a coder by any means, so if that question sounds stupid, that's why!
But if this is inside the realm of the possible, I'd love to hear what you have to say. I'm fearless when it comes to editing code, and will try anything once!
Thanks again for a superb hack.
It's utter simplicity alone merits a mod of the month nomination.
Javascript would not work to call new playlists into the main flash file. However, I could design a new player with the feature to load/unload new playlists, obviously it would need extra buttons to move forward and backwards through the various playlists. It's not that hard to code, just takes awhile to design a new player.
I can add things like, volume control, pan (balance), equalizer, etc.. Basically, I could copy most of the Actionscripting used in this version and build upon it, and add a new interface, perhaps more hifi looking.
So, yeah multiple-playlists can be integrated.