Originally Posted by Zachery
If he released his software under an open sourced license, anyone could take it, continue the development, fork it and continue development otherwise. Its the problems of OSS. We cannot force anyone to license their work in some specific way.
This is very true and not in dispute, people removing stuff from this comunity which wasnt theirs originally is a personal issue as I feel thats not the right way to go about it, personally I think he has done more damage to himself than good by doing it as most of the community is well aware of the potential snowball if it was to become common practice, would have been much better marketing and retained full respect by retaining what was orignally someone elses work in the originally targeted community and used that in a much more respectable way to get whatever else he wanted off the ground.
However on the fork subject if someone was to re rekindle a hack and retain it here within the comunity that had all ready been ported forward previously and then forked off elsewhere theres a name issue which is going to cause confusion, normal practice is the fork takes a new name.