Originally Posted by Chicago_VLNU_4s
i see my last reply didnt go thru. Well my site was better, ecspecially the MEMBERINFO template. We had the myspace profiles and i personally edited them and added more features so alotta time and dedication was put into this site, then these b*tches come in, hack it and delete sh*t with no warning. Thats why i was wondering if i could get it back running to the way it was 2 days ago instead restoring it to the backup point, which is 3 weeks or more old? I believe butters backed up in CPanel so thats why i'm wondering? what are you guy's input cuz my site is running again, but like i said, its runnin to what it was running exactly 3 weeks ago sence i last backed up
Restore your backup from 3 weeks ago to another database, and then extract the three templates you want and update the current database with them.