hola iglobal,
you should be able to translate most of the text by opening the xml file in your favorite text editor and editing the phrases. the phrases that you will want to change start at about line 2201 - do a text search for :
<phrasetype name="Arcade" fieldname="arcade">
and start editing there.
all the phrases are in the format:
<phrase name="phrase_name"><![CDATA[Phrase Text]]></phrase>
**don't touch the phrase_name** only change Phrase Text
you may also want to change the error phrase line 2381:
<phrase name="invaliduserid">...
and the frontend redirect messages just below that:
<phrase name="commentdeleted">...
<phrase name="commentsaved">...
that should allow you to translate most if not all of the front end text. if you also want to change the control panel text, just modify all the rest of the phrases in that same section.
once your changes have been made, just save the .xml file and re-import it. you shouldn't have to re-upload any of the other files. this shouldn't mess up any of your users high scores or settings, but i take no responsibility if it does for some reason.