Originally Posted by aranthorn
Insert stupid question here:
There are some groups I have markups for that I don't want to display. It seems that the first usergroup with the display set 0 is the one that shows up. Is there any way to eliminate groups that have markups from being displayed?
Originally Posted by amykhar
That's a valid point. I never thought about non-displaying groups. I'll have to look at the database and see how that is set, and then change the code accordingly.
1st Thx for the great hack
2nd it works for me fine at 3.6.0
3rd I found a way how to
eliminate unwanted usergroup from being displayed, its simple Just give 2 usergroups the same diplay order so then ONLY one of them will be displayed .
ex : SuperModerator Display Order = 2
V.I.P Members Display Order = 6
Give now V.I.P Members Display Order 2
and it will be eliminated
Waiting Amy for the update .