I'm not sure if this is partly what i'm after
but what im after is this.
the words that say "What's Going On?" you click on that and it will show the currently active users and the people who have visitied in the last 24 hours on another page.
And what is shown on the forum home to be:
Currently Active Users: 408 (265 members and 143 guests)
Then show those names but have the option to only show it to certain usergroups so then I may decided to turn them all off.
and then
Total members that have visited the forum in the last 24 hours: 2,349
and then the same again So I may want to not show them to anyone, so they will have to click on the whats going on to see them etc.
do you get what I mean? and would this be able to be done, or is there things already out that will do this?