Additional Info re flashchat or topXstats hack
If you have recently been hacked due to flashchat or topXstats you may also want to search you site for the following.
I recieved this email the day after my site was also defaced (due to flashchat)
"The internal monitoring tool has flagged up the following script has
tried to bind to the port : 49388
Please note that this is not allowed on the shared hosting package.
Binding to certain TCP/UDP port mean that your script is expecting some
sort of input and this can be used by someone to exploit your webspace. "
This is a hosting program that looks like was also placed on the server. You may want to check this file and see if its on your site."
Luckly my provider only allow a handful of ports or be used so this was flagged up early.
They have also banned the address that tried to access it.