Originally Posted by acidburn0520
Use Psionic Vision's HTML E-Mail Hack.
Any chance on a 3.5.4 version of this?
Will arrive soon enough
Originally Posted by The-Ensemble
Very Nice. I love the idea.
I was wondering why doesnt it say
Viewing Newsletter
when your viewing who's online?
Is there a way to change this so it does?
That is because I didnt think of the idea whilst making it

I'll stuff it in there next update
Originally Posted by Kaezul
People are just too cynical these days, Marky. I personally think it's a great idea for those that do not want to install a portal. Announcements just don't cut it either - They get read less often than normal posts on my forum. A newsletter is a great idea, especially if you have some sort of alert when a new issue is released. I can code that myself, though it would be a handy addition to this addon.
All in all, I'd give you a 5/5 on this one. Great work.
Thank you very much Kaezul, your support is greatly appreciated

Do you have any idea on what kind of alert to give when a new issue is released?
Originally Posted by utw-Mephisto
Mmm... the title is really confusing imho ... I also expected a HTML based Mail newsletter .
Im all ears on a new title but I like vBNewsletters
Originally Posted by hornstar1337
Not bad, but if you included some more features then it would appeal to heaps more people.
some suggestions.
1. give us the option to email this newsletter out to selected usergroups.
2. allow people to submit topics to the newsletter so we can include that in the final posting of the newsletter.
3. Have an archive of old newsletters that have been sent out.
4. forgot this idea, will post it when i remember ^^ lol.
Thank you for the suggestions, I do definatly plan on releasing updates on this modification. I did only plan to include simple features for the first version, that way it can grow as the updates keep arriving
Thanks for all the suggestions guys

And hope you enjoy it ^^