Who is chatting (for Flashchat) and Cyb - Login To Other User Account are not playing well together... I love both of these applications, so hopfully either developer can contact one-another and try to fix this minor issue:
With both mods active, I switch over to the Members page (members.php), and select a non-admin member. I select the 'Log In As User' button and now I'm logged in as that user...so far so good.
Now when I click on the 'here' button (see attachment) to log out of the account and back into the admin, I get the follwing error (also see attachment):
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/neosmutc/public_html/vb/chat/inc/config.php
Line: 884
If I disable the Who is chatting (for Flashchat) mod, the Cyb - Login To Other User Account mod works fine. I can login and logout of oter accounts w/out an issue.