Just got around to using it and same problem as Rouven.
I have TeamSpeak and the forum installed on the same server, however TeamSpeak is just installed under a different domain, however the entire system uses the same MySQL Server. It looks like the system can connect to the TeamSpeak server database and it creates the table when I click “Create Table” and that’s about it.
All I see on the vbteamspeak.php page is the following...
Welcome to the XXXXXXXX TeamSpeak server. Please do not disrupt any channels or harass any users or you will be removed from the server.
User Name: userid.1
Password: ______________________
Not encrypted, do not use your forum password.
Now when the user puts in the password and clicks GO; nothing happens.
Also I’m using PHP Version 5.1.2/MySQL 5.0.18, does that create an issue, also does this system have any special requirements?
Maybe I have the server configuration setup wrong... So maybe you should tell me if the following is correct.
Server IP: Is this the ip address we put in teamspeak or the ip address we enter to access webadmin.
Server Port: 8767 (default)
Query Port: 51234 (default)
Web Port: 14534 (default)
Server ID: Whatever the id is. (1 in my case)
Server Address: I’m guessing TS Server IP, the one we enter into TS.
So what exactly am I doing wrong?