Originally Posted by SirAdrian
Thanks that worked like a charm!!!!
BTW, has anyone succeeded in getting the journalpage template looking like blogger.com ?
I'm getting close but the footer is still messed up
EDIT: Wee!
Aurons Ghost fixed it for me. It is now a faithful copy of Blogger.com's Sand Dollar layout. Get the templates below
Due to the ammount of interest, here are the templates. Enjoy!
After downloading do this:
1) Add 1 template: Bloggersidebar, with whatever you want under the avatar on the sidebar. My Bloggersidebar.tpl has the example I used.
2) Modify 2 templates: journal_entrybits and journal_journalpage, just paste the contents of my tpl files to replace the entire template, for each of the two.
3) Add some custom CSS
You know how to add custom CSS ? It's on style manager, right by the "Go" button, use the drop down menu instead of just using "edit template", select "Main CSS" and on the main CSS screen scroll down to the very last box. Paste the contents of my "customcss.css" file there.