Originally Posted by Blackjack
Harder setup (less common and this is the way I use it):
Host TeamSpeak (AND mySQL) on a machine separate from your vBulletin install. Grant permissions on your mySQL server that will allow your vBulletin server to have access to it (authorized IP's). Fill in the Remote Database portion of the options. (Database Username and Password should be different than your vBulletin install, for some reason vBulletin doesn't like to connect if they are identical).
Ok, same for me. ts and vb are on the same machine with a different db and a different user with rights for their own db. i filled up the remote database things and he is creating the ts2_forum_account, which seems to be empty regardless what i am doing.
does the ts2 db user need access rights to the vb db? it should not, or am i wrong. the problem is, that i am not seeing any ts2 users to manage and not seeing the full frontend view. very strange for me.
is there any debug=true switch?