Originally Posted by lanc3lot
Any chance to make a similar hack for Ventrilo? 
Unfortunately no, I hate Ventrilo personally
Originally Posted by rouven
which ports need to be opened for this to work
None of the TeamSpeak ports need to be accessible. vBTeamSpeak will work as intended without any port access, all it needs is to be able to connect to your TeamSpeak's mySQL database.
Easiest setup (more common):
Host TeamSpeak on the server your vBulletin is on and change the server.ini to point to your vBulletin Database. Now that TeamSpeak is setup to use mySQL to store it's user data, vBTeamSpeak will insert new users directly into the database for TeamSpeak. No ports needed (though you can enable TeamSpeak ports for extra features but are not required).
Harder setup (less common and this is the way I use it):
Host TeamSpeak (AND mySQL) on a machine separate from your vBulletin install. Grant permissions on your mySQL server that will allow your vBulletin server to have access to it (authorized IP's). Fill in the Remote Database portion of the options. (Database Username and Password should be different than your vBulletin install, for some reason vBulletin doesn't like to connect if they are identical).
I hope that clears some things up. Basically if you don't know if your TeamSpeak is using mySQL or not, or if you are just hosting TeamSpeak on you home computer, using this addon may be beyond your technical knowledge.