We have to do this a bit different in 3.6.0.
1). Open "includes/class_bbcode.php"
2). Find function handle_bbcode_quote
3). Within function "handle_bbcode_quote" find the line below.
This line is there at several places so make sure you found the right one.
eval('$html = "' . fetch_template($template) . '";');
4). Add the code below right after the above line.
//### HACK BEGIN - Turn [img] to [url]
if ($this->contains_bbcode_img_tags($html))
$html = preg_replace('#\[img\]\s*(https?://([^<>*"]+|[a-z0-9/\\._\- !]+))\[/img\]#iUe', "\$this->handle_bbcode_url(str_replace('\\\"', '\"', '\\1'), '')", $html);
//### HACK END