Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 46 (39 members and 7 guests)
==> that's for the 18.000 replies thread, 30 posts a page.
So imagine (it won't happen but say) al thse users where accessing a different page. That means 46*30 = 1380 posts requests out of the database.
That's a big number.. But propably most users are only browsing the last few pages of it.
Still.. My server loads are higher then I want them to have.
Originally Posted by TenTenths@BigBoardsAdmin
Very likely, especially if they are popular threads and getting views, vBulletin has to count all the posts in the thread before it splits it into pages, so if you've a lot of users reading those threads then it'll be doing a LOT of processing just to display it.
Take a look at your slow queries log and you'll get a better idea of what's causing the forum to take it's time. Out of the box vB uses the myisam table type which will lock the post and thread table while the thread is being generated so this will slow down all the other thread display requests that are pending.
Aha! That sounds interesting.