this is the teori, how do you do this for real whit freebsd 6.1?
my case:
I have a lovely server whit two nics. I want to "abuse" them both
The first nic should handle the normal www traffic (The outsite card)
The second nic should route to the DB server.
My OS is FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE
www= Apache 2.2
The DB is Mysql 5.x
My IP-Addresses is and the IP to the first nic is
How do I set this up to force the second nic only to get to the DB server
(Only one nic installed)
Other hardware to use for networking build is two swicthes One fare better
than the second, therefore I'll prefere to only use that one. One Cisco
I have been reading a lot on this site
but i didn't understand it :/ mayby I have been reading to little.
Please give me the exact scipting lines and setup (For dummies)