I was thinking of drupal for portal ... but I think it just never like the look. not slick and clean (imo). If I find a skin I like for drupal or figure out how to make one, I'd use it as a front end or an add-on for blogs etc. no problem.
very versatile... just again, really wish drupal had better available skins. Joomla looks better, imo, but poor/difficult integration with vbull.
I'm hopin that wordpress hack stony has been promising comes out for members blogs. but wordpress as a cms is peakin my interest as well.
so choices........
--vbdrupal (addon or as front end portal)
--wordpress (addon or as front end portal)
--vbadvanced (front end portal/cms. and its a cms for all layman intents and purposes. and I'm a layman

anything else?
Originally Posted by El_Muerte
It's single sign on. Sessions and user data are completely shared.
lol omg, elmuerte.. I just noticed.. you're a unrealamdin admin? (don't know why I didn't make the connection before. doh!) I'm old school UTSA guy (since 99). I know justme, leebee, baiter etc (VDS, TSU, VAL, TA, SDA, etc. ) ...

used to have the most popular server and site in UTSA till it went down when our admin went MIA (we're back now and growing again.

). I gotta say, always thought navigation there was the most confusing of any forum I've ever seen (imo). That said, its best admin resource handdown. nice work bro