Originally Posted by bbqchef33
i started getting hammered these past 2 weeks by spammers also. The replacment vars dont work becase he puts the link behind the text. So even the replacemnts still contain the hot link and the link still works. Any ideas around these guys trashing our boards?
replacement vars will change the links no matter how they post them. I think you are confused between replacement variables and censorship or something else.
Originally Posted by Ntfu2
look for the hack that wont let users post images or urls without having atleast X amount of posts first 
that is a good hack, thank you for the link
But i dont think it is the perfect solution as it stops new users from posting any links at all, which is not good. We have a hard enough time getting 'silent observers' to participate anyway.
99.9% of all domains are good and we have no problems if links are posted from those sites. We only want to block those websites which think our board is a good place to get free traffic from. Denying newbies from posting any and all links is not justified for 0.1% (or maybe even 0.01%) of domains.
And this does not stop anyone from spamming. It just adds to the initial time investment and makes it 10 minutes instead of 4. Earlier they could just register and spam, now they have to register, post x number of 'good' posts and then spam. Those first 'x' posts will only be 'good post' or smiley only posts and will only degrade the quality of the board.