I want to be able to import users from an osCommerce database into a vBulletin database. I have vB version 3.5.4. I have looked at the code in osCommerce and they use a 'salt' to generate md5 passwords but it is in the following format.
PHP Code:
// This funstion validates a plain text password with an
// encrpyted password
function tep_validate_password($plain, $encrypted) {
if (tep_not_null($plain) && tep_not_null($encrypted)) {
// split apart the hash / salt
$stack = explode(':', $encrypted);
if (sizeof($stack) != 2) return false;
if (md5($stack[1] . $plain) == $stack[0]) {
return true;
return false;
// This function makes a new password from a plaintext password.
function tep_encrypt_password($plain) {
$password = '';
for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
$password .= tep_rand();
$salt = substr(md5($password), 0, 2);
$password = md5($salt . $plain) . ':' . $salt;
return $password;
$password is the password entered by the user when they register.
My questions are;
- I know that I cannot extract the actual password from osCommerce and import them into vB, but if a user was to login at my site when I have vB setup and after validating the password through osCommerce, how can I then insert that password suitable for vB into the vB users table?
- How can I syncronize both systems to keep both the vBulletin and osCommerce platforms up to date as regards user registrations?
I don't expect anyone to write it for me as I know enouhg PHP to get into trouble, but maybe if I could get an outline of the process that needs to take place and maybe a guide to which file I can modify.
I would appreciate anyone's input.