<a href="http://www.clanlife.eu/index.php?page=bf2stats&input1" target="_blank">http://www.clanlife.eu/index.php?page=bf2stats&input1</a>
this is a clean install in forums dir
no edits whatsoever to make it work but no pics
changing the pic variable in config will not work.
small piece of code from stats_unlock
[QUOTE] echo "<td class='alt1' valign='top'>";
echo "<table class='tborder' cellspacing='$conf_awards_cellspacing' cellpadding='$conf_awards_cellpadding'><tr class='alt1'><tdimg src='bf2stats/pics/$fn'width='128' height='34'></td></tr>";
echo "<tr class='alt1'><td class='alt1' QUOTE]
its not even looking to config.php?
<tdimg src='bf2stats/pics/$fn'