Originally Posted by o0Hubba0o
I agree that it should of been a default feature. I thought multi quote would of been able to cover this in some way, but oh well. Great job on this, if decide to put it in I'll click the install button for you.
It can, but you'd need to cut and paste the second (and third...) quote into the first.
Like this:
Originally Posted by Kaezul
Very nicely done. I don't understand why Jelsoft didn't do this to begin with. Great job.
Originally Posted by o0Hubba0o
I agree that it should of been a default feature. I thought multi quote would of been able to cover this in some way, but oh well. Great job on this, if decide to put it in I'll click the install button for you.
And Jim's text is here after both of yours...
But it's nifty to have it as a default.
Edit: Installed and works perfectly. See
http://worldwartwozone.com/forums/ci....html#post2126 for an example.