Originally Posted by Mattikana
I figured out a nice place to put a link for installing the search engine.
First edit the javascript mentioned above for your site then add a link to it in the headinclude template.
Read the above link and then put this code in the search forums template:
<td class="tcat">
<if condition="is_browser('firefox')">
<td class="panelsurround" align="center">
$vbphrase[searchfromfirefox] <a href="javascript:addEngine('filename','ext','description')">Install the |your site name here| search engine!</a>
Replace sitename with the filename of the .src and ext with the extension of the 16x16 graphic used (gif or png) *note, the grahic has to have the same name as the .scr file.
You have to add a phrase in the language and phrases admincp menu. Add the phrase name, "searchfromfirefox", and the phrase text: "Want to search the forums from firefox?"
See it at my site :
I'm working on putting it in the search results as well. Will post update when that is done.