If they are using a human to enter the answer, it is a problem, yes - but there is not exactly much else that can be done about human CAPTCHA readers, either. Your best bet is, as I mentioned, if you have a forum concerning a special topic and you ask a question relating to the topic which genuine users will be able to answer easily but an average human CAPTCHA reader won't. (Additionally, there is the fact that a lot of spamming companies are based in for example Russia, and while anybody can read a couple of numbers on an image, they would have to know a fair bit of English - or whichever language the forum is in - to be able to both understand and answer such a question.)
Thanks for the bit about avoiding the template edit, Cole2026 - I was thinking it could be handy to do that for this hack, but was too lazy to look up how to do that since I've never done it before.
And yes, it can be used in conjunction with the regular CAPTCHA - then just be sure to add the template edit above instead of replacing.
Dyslexic users should be able to refresh and get another question until they have one they can definitely spell - administrators should accommodate dyslexic users by not making the answers to all the questions overly difficult. I can't do much about that myself. (In any case, users whose dyslexia is so problematic that they have difficulties with fairly simple words are most likely not very common on internet forums that are entirely about reading and typing messages.)
I'm fine-tuning the upgrade with multiple answers and case insensitivity - should be up in just a little while.
EDIT: Version 1.1.