Hi, integration worked nicely in 3.6
So getting URL Rewrite to work wasn't too difficult.
After getting integration working:
1) Go to Vbulletin and create a new account called anything. I called mine "Administrator"
2) Then I went to
http://yourdomain.com/gallery2 and logged in as the site admin.
3) Go to usergroups and add the account created in step 1 (administrator) to the Site Admin group
4) Go to Vbulletin and log off and log on as the account created in step 1 (administrator)
5) Go to
6) Inside the embedded gallery go to Site Admin.
7) Go to Modules and activate URL rewrites
8) Go create an .htaccess in your root folder /home/yourdir/public_html . Give it 666 permissions
9) Now in the URL rewrites area (embedded mode ie. inside gallery2.php) of site admin click on Setup and you'll get a new embedded option. Here enter the path of the new .htaccess (/home/yourdir/public_html/) and then below that enter the public path (if room then just type / )
10) Click save and now you'll be able to use URL_Rewrites with the fancy shmancy URLs
http://yourdomain.com/v/username/ should work now.
My question:
I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to import a users gallery into his profile. Has any one attempted that? Since the usernames are the same in gallery and vbulletin would it be possible to import using the username?